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„Bišumuiža” apartment price - now starting from 998 EUR/m²

  • The new project developer „Arco Development” offers apartments at the „Bišumuiža” complex at the lowest ever price

The new project developer SIA „Arco Development” bids defiance to the real estate market by offering for sale apartments with full interior decoration in the house complex „Bišumuiža” at the price of 998 EUR/m² from February 1, 2009. So rapid decrease makes the price equal to that of standard-type apartments located at Purvciems and Teika, while the quality and standard of living is, and will be much higher.
Mr. Viktors Savins, Chairman of the Management Board of SIA „Arco Development”: „In the period of time when the new project market is subjected to development crisis and construction has stopped in several cases, we, in the result of a well-considered implementation of the „Bišumuiža” Project, have succeeded in continuation of the launched projects, both by offering the already built apartments at prices that are competitive even in view of the current situation, and by planning further development of the project – construction of the next 5 houses with 70 new apartments which will be launched in the market already in the nearest future”.
The project is sold by SIA „Arco Real Estate”. Ms. Ieva Jansone, Head of the Residential Space Sales Division of the Company: „More than 70% of the 56 apartments located in the first 4 houses of the „Bišumuiža” Project are already bought sold to new owners. Typical target audience of the project are working, creative persons, young families, who set their own criteria and requirements when choosing a new dwelling, and the „Bišumuiža” Project is able to meet those requirements,  being a convincing leader of competition in the new project market. Though the economical apartments of the „Bišumuiža” Project are most demanded, the project offers also apartments of bigger area with terraces and original layout; these apartments in most cases are appreciated by customers who set very high requirements to the form and comfort level of dwelling”.
Briefly about the „Bišumuiža” Project: it is a new low-rise residential house complex not far from the central part of Riga, in the direction of Bauska. „Bišumuiža” is located close by thoroughfares, not far from the city centre, beside the Southern Bridge. The surrounding area is improved: there are paved roads, cultivated lawns. Each of the first three floors of the houses contains two 2-room and two 3-room apartments with balconies; but each fourth floor consists of two 4-room apartments each having a balcony and a terrace. All the apartments are with full interior decoration; in addition, each buyer may select one of two interior decoration levels. The four houses of the first construction phase were commissioned one year ago.
More detailed information about project "Bišumuiža">>, and in the website of „Bišumuiža” www.bisumuiza.lv.


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