+371 6736 5555

Trends on the real estate market of Saulkrasti

  • The demand for the desirable summer houses and apartments in the close vicinity of the sea significantly exceeds the supply.

Trends on the real estate market of Saulkrasti
The rental market.
As soon as the summer season is approaching, the rental market is being sharply increased in Saulkrasti and its neighbourhood, especially in Pabaži and in the centre of Saulkrasti, as well as in Carnikava and Garciems.  The demand for the desirable summer houses and apartments in the close vicinity of the sea significantly exceeds the supply. In May the rental prices for the facilitated summer houses (80-100m²) fluctuated from 500 to 600 EUR/month. In its turn, the rental price of high quality private houses could reach 800-1000 EUR/month. This applies to property that is located near the sea - up to 1 km. In the more distanced horticultural cooperatives the prices are much lower.
The proposal of the apartments lease in Saulkrasti is also quite insignificant. The rent for 2 rooms apartment in the standard-type apartments project during the summer months is about 200-300 LVL, but in the new project "Liepas Nams" reaches even 400 LVL/month. The price during the remaining seasons is correspondingly 100-150 LVL  and 200 LVL.
Summer houses.
In May there was a sharp interest increase in buying of cheap summer houses. Prospective buyers are interested in summer houses, located not more than 2 km far from the sea without good finishing and accommodations. The cheapest summer houses in horticultural cooperatives Saulkrasti cost from 30 000 to 50 000 EUR. Most of them have just partial accommodations, as well as the repair is required. The prices for high quality summer houses (non-insulated, appropriated just for living during the summer period) range from 50 000 EUR to 70 000 EUR. The prices for insulated summer houses that are appropriated for living also during the winter are from 65 000 EUR 100 000 EUR. The most part of the deals is made by cash with the taking of loans. The citizens of Russia show the increased interest in the lease and purchase of property in the close vicinity of the sea.
Private houses.
The interest in buying of a private house in Saulkrasti is high, but the deals are rare, as reduces the number of the proposed objects that correspond to the preferences of customers. The potential buyers are ready to buy the house with the complete finishing and the land of area at least 1200 m², that moreover should be located close to the sea. The willable paying prices for the mentioned property is ranging from 100 000 EUR to 120 000 EUR. In its turn, the sellers would not sell the house by this price, except those cases when it is located in gardening societies with the land parcel of 600 м² or if the seller came to the especially tight financial conditions.
The activity on the land market in Saulkrasti is low, even if the land parcels are offered by low prices. The average price of the land parcel of 1200 m² with the electricity that is located in 400 meters far from the sea could be bought now by the price of 40.000 - 50.000 EUR. The exception is the land parcel that border with the beach and where the repairable buildings (the old fishing houses) are located. There is the high interest on these land parcels, its price range fluctuates from 100,000 to 150,000 EUR per 1200m², taking into consideration the condition that there is the connection to electricity and permissions for building.
Commercial land and commercial areas.
In Saulkrasti the supply and demand of commercial land is minimal. In its turn, the demand for small and not expensive commercial premises (30 - 50m², 3 €/m²) is high, but there are no offers.
In general, there is observed the price stabilization in the littoral region, as well as the unchangeable demand increase for quality property according to the appropriate market prices. Besides, the lease with an option of buying and property exchange becomes more and more popular.
Additional information:
Arco Real Estate
Brīvības Street 39, Rīga, LV 1010, Latvia 
371 67365555
Māris Laukalējs
Head of appraisal department/Member of the Board
371 6736 5555
Jana Semerikova
Head of Saulkrasti Department
371 2836 6397


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